Outfit du Jour: Draining

Today was long and I wasn't really in a picture taking mood, especially since I'm still struggling with the old camera. Appearantly my new one has been shipped so it should be here any day now...but unless it comes tomorrow I won't be here to get it until next Monday. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it'll come in the mail tomorrow. I'm too tired to write a long plug for my giveaway for a $35 CSN Stores gift card...but you should definitely enter it. And for the record, yes, I did notice that the price tag was stuck to the side of my show once I saw this picture. That's just the kind of day it's been.

Flared Pants: Tyte Jeans, $20.

Sweater: Thrifted, $5.

Headband: Mudd, $5.50.

Ring: Charlotte Russe, $4.

Ring: Gift.

Ring: Gift.

Ring: Gift.

Purple Leather Bag: H&M, $10.

Black Boots: Gabriella Rocha, $20.


  1. Cheerup a bit.It seems that this old camera really breaks your mood!I like your hair like that!

  2. I'd have never have noticed the sticker on the bottom of the shoe unless you mentioned it in your post. The shoes are gorgeous though.


  3. You always have good eye for jewelrym always love you jewelry picture, hope your camera will be there tomorrow
