Jeans: Tyte Jeans, apx. $20.White Owl Shirt: She Says..., $12.Black Sequined Halter Vest: Lux, apx. $15.Purple Velvet Jacket: Thrifted, apx. $5.

Purple Sequined Beret: F21, $4. I've worn this like five days in a row, I know, but I'm in a very beret-ish mood lately and I only have two.

Vintage Owl Necklace: Thrifted from Tickled Pink, apx. $3.
White Glitter Bracelet: Betsey Johnson, Gift.
Clear Plastic Glitter Bracelet: F21, apx. $3.
Black Plastic Glitter Bracelet: Gift.
Silver Ring: Gift.
Purple and Silver Ring: F21, apx. $3.
Black and Silver Ring: Gift.
Black Platform Boots: Gabriella Rocha, $20.
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